The world’s first card game with a UX design theme!As one of the leading institute in Hong Kong to offer upskills courses on UX Design career development, a small team from DxLab was formed…Mar 26, 2024Mar 26, 2024
UX及UI設計能否從人工智能發展得益嗎?人工智能(AI)迅速佔領了整個網絡世界,軟件產品設計也不例外。在過去幾個月,AI在網站及UX/UI設計領域有著很大的發展。通過利用機器學習算法,AI可以創造驚嘆的設計、可用性高和出色的用戶體驗,並且針對搜索引擎排名進行優化的軟件產品。Mar 21, 2023Mar 21, 2023
Is Artificial Intelligence Beneficial in UX and UI Design?Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly taken over the digital world, and software product design is no exception. Over the past few…Mar 21, 2023Mar 21, 2023
隨著 ChatGPT AI 的引入,SEM 及 SEO 的未來將會怎樣?隨著人工智能 (AI) 的不斷發展,未來 2 至 5 年內的搜索引擎營銷 (SEM) 及搜索引擎優化 (SEO) 的執行方式將會有什麼改變?Feb 27, 2023Feb 27, 2023
What is the Future of SEM and SEO with the Introduction of ChatGPT AIAs artificial intelligence (AI) continues to develop, how will it change the way Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine…Feb 27, 2023Feb 27, 2023
How AI Technologies are Changing the Marketing PracticesAI technologies are increasingly being used in the marketing field to automate processes, analyze consumer data, and optimize campaigns. AI…Feb 14, 2023Feb 14, 2023
作為全端設計師 (Full-Stack Designer) 是優勢還是懲罰?現時許多科技相關工種的工作內容及範圍都比較跨學科,意味著越來越難以為特定招聘職位描述技能需要及定義清晰的工作範圍。這情況在初創公司的環境中尤其常見,初創雇主希望盡可能廣泛地運用每位職員的技能範圍。Mar 9, 2022Mar 9, 2022
Is Becoming a Full-Stack Designer a Bless or a Curse?Many of today’s tech job specs are multi-disciplinary, meaning it’s increasingly difficult to pinpoint and define a clear scope of…Mar 8, 2022Mar 8, 2022
想入行做IT唔一定要識寫Code同做IT Support嘅,其實都仲有好多可能性!近日tvN的電視劇《Start Up:我的新創時代》成為熱話,講述一群帶著夢想嘅韓國年輕人科創經歷嘅故事,令大眾對IT行業嘅關注同興趣都增加咗好多。Nov 30, 2020Nov 30, 2020